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Learn How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress Easily

In this section, we’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to duplicate a page in WordPress. You’ll learn about the benefits of duplicating pages and how you can efficiently replicate pages to streamline your website management.

As a website owner, you may come across situations where you need to create identical pages or variations of an existing page. Duplicating a page in WordPress can save you valuable time, effort, and maintain consistency across your website.

Key Takeaways:

  • Duplicating a page in WordPress can save valuable time and effort.
  • Maintaining consistency across your website becomes effortless with duplicate pages.
  • Our guide offers you step-by-step instructions on duplicating a page in WordPress.
  • You can efficiently replicate pages to streamline your website management.
  • Learning how to duplicate a page in WordPress will help you create identical pages with ease.

Why Duplicate a Page in WordPress?

In this section, we will explore the usefulness of duplicating pages in WordPress. Duplicating pages can save time, preserve templates, and help maintain consistency across your website. Let’s dive into the advantages of duplicating pages.

Consistency Across Your Website

When creating a website with multiple pages, it can be challenging to ensure consistency throughout the website. Duplicating pages in WordPress can help you maintain uniformity by replicating the look and feel of a page across your website.

Preserve Templates for Future Use

Templates are an essential aspect of website design. They help you maintain consistency and save time by providing a pre-designed structure for your content. Duplicating a page in WordPress can help preserve templates for future use. You can create a duplicate page and use it as a template for new content, saving time and effort in the design process.

Streamline Your Website Management

Duplicating pages in WordPress can streamline website management. When you need to create a new page with a similar layout as an existing page, you can simply duplicate the page and make the necessary changes. This can save time and effort in designing and formatting new pages.

Cloning Pages in WordPress

Cloning pages in WordPress refers to duplicating pages to create a replica of the original page. This is helpful when you want to create multiple versions of a page or maintain a consistent look and feel across different pages. Cloning pages can also help you create variations of existing pages without starting from scratch.

Now that we’ve explored the benefits of duplicating pages in WordPress, let’s move on to the methods of duplicating pages.

Using a WordPress Duplicate Page Plugin

Utilizing a WordPress duplicate page plugin is one of the simplest methods for duplicating pages on your website. Many plugins offer this functionality, and we’ll guide you through some of the most popular below.

How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress

Duplicate Page

The Duplicate Page plugin is a straightforward and easy-to-use option that allows for quick and effortless duplication of pages in WordPress. Once installed, a “Duplicate This” option appears in your page toolbar. Clicking this button creates a copy of the page, complete with all content, media, and formatting.

Yoast Duplicate Post

The Yoast Duplicate Post plugin is a popular choice for duplicating pages and posts in WordPress. Once installed, a “Clone” option appears in your page and post toolbar. Clicking this button creates a copy of the page or post, complete with all metadata, SEO settings, and custom fields. This plugin also provides advanced options for selecting post status, parent, and menu order.

Beaver Builder

The Beaver Builder page builder plugin offers a built-in duplication feature for pages and templates. Simply locate the page or template you wish to duplicate, click the “Duplicate” button, and the plugin creates an exact copy of the page or template, complete with all design elements and content. This plugin is particularly useful for designers and developers looking to maintain consistency in their website’s design and layout.

Using a WordPress duplicate page plugin can significantly simplify the page duplication process and save you valuable time. These plugins offer different features and functionalities, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs and workflow.

Manual Method to Duplicate a WordPress Page

If you prefer to have more control over the duplication process or don’t want to use a plugin, you can duplicate a WordPress page manually. The manual method involves copying and pasting the content and structure of the original page into a new page.

To begin, navigate to the page you want to duplicate and click on the “Copy” button at the top of the page.

Note: Before copying the page, ensure that you have changed the permalink (URL) of the new page to prevent duplicate content issues.

Next, create a new page in WordPress and paste the copied content into the new page. Remember to update the title and permalink of the new page to avoid any confusion.

The final step involves updating any links or references on the new page that were specific to the original page, such as internal links or media references.

Replicating a WordPress Post

Duplicating a post in WordPress can be accomplished through similar methods used to duplicate a page. Whether it’s to create multiple versions of a blog post or maintain a consistent format across different posts, replicating a WordPress post can be a valuable tool for website management.

The Manual Method to Duplicate a WordPress Post

To duplicate a WordPress post manually, you can use the “Duplicate Post” functionality in WordPress. Begin by navigating to the “All Posts” option within the “Posts” menu in the WordPress dashboard. Hover over the post you want to duplicate and select “Duplicate This” option. A copy of the post will be created, and you can edit it and change the title as needed.

Using a WordPress Duplicate Post Plugin

Similar to the duplication page plugin, many WordPress plugins offer a duplicate post feature. Some popular choices include Duplicate Post, Yoast Duplicate Post, and Post Duplicator. These plugins allow you to easily create a copy of an existing post, customize it, and publish it without any hassles.

Best Practices for Duplicating Posts in WordPress

When duplicating posts in WordPress, it’s crucial to ensure that the new post has a unique title, meta description and content. This will prevent search engines from seeing the new post as duplicate content, which can harm your website’s SEO. Additionally, when working with duplicated posts, be sure to update any internal links that may refer to the original post so that they link to the new duplicated post instead.

Duplicating posts in WordPress can save you time and make your website management more efficient. Whether you use a plugin or choose to duplicate posts manually, replicating posts can help ensure consistency and streamline your content creation process.

Creating Identical Pages in Minimal Time

When it comes to creating identical pages quickly in WordPress, there are several techniques you can use. Below, we provide you with some strategies that will help you streamline your page creation process and save valuable time.

1. Use a WordPress Duplicate Page Plugin

If you’re looking to save time and reduce manual effort, using a dedicated duplicate page plugin is an excellent option. As we mentioned in Section 3, there are several plugins available that offer this functionality.

Plugin NameDescription
Duplicate Page and PostThis plugin allows you to duplicate pages, posts, and custom post types in a single click. You can also duplicate pages and posts with a single click using the admin bar menu.
Duplicate PageThis plugin allows you to clone pages and posts, including their content, custom fields, comments, and taxonomies. You can also choose to duplicate only specific parts of a page or post.
Page DuplicatorThis plugin allows you to create a fully functional duplicate of any page or post on your WordPress website. You can also bulk duplicate pages or posts.

Once you select a duplicate page plugin, using it is straightforward. After installing and activating the plugin, you’ll find a “Duplicate” button next to each page or post on your WordPress website.

2. Use the Manual Method to Duplicate a Page

If you prefer not to use a plugin or want more control over the duplication process, you can duplicate a WordPress page manually. As illustrated in Section 4, this involves copying the HTML code of the original page and pasting it into a newly created page.

While this method requires more effort than using a plugin, it provides more control over the duplication process. For instance, you can customize the new page’s URL, metadata, and content before publishing it.

3. Copy a Page in WordPress

If you want to create a new page based on an existing one, you can copy the page and make the necessary modifications. To do this, select the page you wish to copy and choose the “Copy” option from the “Edit” dropdown menu. This creates a new page with the same content, metadata, and URL as the original page.

4. Use Templates to Replicate Pages

Templates are pre-designed pages that you can use to reproduce common pages, such as contact forms or landing pages, across your website. WordPress offers several built-in templates, and you can also create custom templates using page builders such as Elementor or Beaver Builder. By using templates, you can create identical pages in minimal time, without the need for additional plugins or manual duplication methods.

In conclusion, if you want to create identical pages in minimal time, duplicating pages in WordPress is the way to go. Use a plugin, the manual method, or templates to replicate pages effortlessly and streamline your website management process.

Best Practices for Duplicated Pages in WordPress

Creating a duplicate page in WordPress can be a useful feature, but it’s crucial to follow some best practices to keep your website optimized and maintain its functionality. Here are some guidelines to consider:

  • Keep the page title unique: Ensure that the title of the duplicated page is unique to prevent confusion and promote a clear page hierarchy.
  • Avoid duplicating pages excessively: Duplicating pages can make website management a breeze, but having too many identical pages can cause confusion, dilute your content, and even impact your SEO ranking. Therefore, consider generating pages only when necessary and avoid duplication for the sake of it.
  • Update the content: While duplicating a page, ensure that you update its content to reflect any changes and avoid any duplicate content penalties by search engines.
  • Delete unnecessary pages: If you’re no longer using a duplicated page, it’s essential to remove it from your website to avoid clutter and eliminate any SEO or performance issues that may arise from outdated pages.
  • Use WordPress duplicate page plugins: WordPress has various plugins that enable you to duplicate a page quickly. These plugins can make the process simple and efficient, but it’s crucial to conduct due diligence and select a reliable and compatible plugin.

Avoid Overlapping Content

It’s common for duplicated pages to have similar content, but it’s essential to ensure that the content isn’t identical. Overlapping content can negatively impact your website’s SEO and create confusion for your users. Therefore, ensure that each page has unique content while maintaining a consistent design.

Check Analytics

After creating a duplicate page, check your website analytics to track its performance and ensure that it’s genuinely beneficial. Identify patterns and trends, and modify your page creation strategy accordingly.

By adhering to these best practices, you can effectively manage duplicate pages on your website, improve its functionality, and boost your SEO ranking.


As we wrap up this guide, we hope you now have a clear understanding of how to duplicate a page in WordPress. Whether you’re interested in replicating pages for consistency or need to save time in website management, duplicating pages can be a lifesaver.

Extra Tips and Tricks

Before we go, we wanted to share some additional tips and tricks to help you get the most out of WordPress page duplication:

• Take advantage of keyboard shortcuts. When duplicating a page manually, you can use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+C” to copy the content and “Ctrl+V” to paste it into the duplicated page.

• Keep your pages organized. With multiple duplicated pages, it’s crucial to keep them organized for easy management. Consider using a naming convention or categorizing them using tags or categories.

• Regularly update your duplicated pages. While duplicating pages can save time, it’s important to ensure that they remain up-to-date and relevant. Schedule regular reviews to check that the content is accurate and reflects any changes made to the original page.

By following these tips, you can streamline your website management process and maximize the benefits of WordPress page duplication.

Get Started with Duplicating Pages in WordPress Today

Now that you have the knowledge and tools to duplicate pages in WordPress, why not put it into practice and see the results for yourself? Remember to follow the best practices we covered and experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you. Read more Article from our content libray, you can also subscribe our YouTube channel to get regular videos

Thank you for reading, and happy duplicating!


How do I duplicate a page in WordPress?

To duplicate a page in WordPress, you can either use a duplicate page plugin or manually copy and replicate the content. We’ll guide you through both methods in this guide.

Why would I want to duplicate a page in WordPress?

Duplicating a page in WordPress can be beneficial for various reasons. It allows you to save time when creating similar layouts, preserve a template for future use, or maintain a consistent design across your website.

Are there any plugins available to duplicate pages in WordPress?

Yes, there are several dedicated duplicate page plugins available for WordPress. These plugins offer an easy and efficient way to duplicate pages without the need for manual copying and replication.

Can I duplicate a WordPress page without using a plugin?

Absolutely. If you prefer not to use a plugin or want more control over the duplication process, you can manually duplicate a WordPress page. We’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how to do this in this guide.

Can I duplicate WordPress posts as well?

Yes, the process of duplicating a WordPress post is similar to duplicating a page. Whether you want to create multiple versions of a blog post or maintain a consistent format across different posts, we’ll show you how to duplicate posts effortlessly.

How can I duplicate pages in WordPress efficiently?

We’ll share strategies and tips in this guide to help you duplicate pages efficiently, saving you time and effort. These methods will ensure that you can create identical pages in minimal time while maintaining a consistent design and content structure.

Are there any best practices to follow when duplicating pages in WordPress?

Yes, it’s important to follow best practices when duplicating pages in WordPress to optimize website performance and SEO. We’ll provide guidelines on how to manage duplicated pages effectively and avoid any potential issues that may arise.

Is duplicating pages in WordPress worth it?

Absolutely. Duplicating pages in WordPress can significantly simplify website management and save you valuable time. This guide has equipped you with the knowledge to effortlessly create engaging and identical pages. Start duplicating your pages in WordPress today and streamline your website maintenance process.